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The Road to Master Metaverse as a Business

Metaverse Handbook Research

The Road to Master Metaverse as a Business

Metaverse is continuing to be a hot affair for people around the globe. Not only individuals but huge businesses are reacclimating their modus operandi to be aligned within the periphery of the metaverse. So why is there a dramatic shift in the approach of business, with the emergence of the metaverse? How is it beneficial for a business? What is the current analogy of consumers and businesses with respect to the metaverse? We’ll be understanding such aspects while reading through the texts.

The Reliance of Future Businesses on Metaverse: Why You Must Care

When it comes to realizing why one must invest time and money in the metaverse, several contemporary factors come to mind. Beginning with the market size, it’s still stretching and developing, with assured potential, as it cultivates further. Taking into cogitation, it is seen that the CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) for the metaverse was 13.1% from 2020, with an estimation of 800T USD market, by the year 2024. Secondly, it is observed that bringing business to the metaverse-sphere can generate huge revenue opportunities. It was learned that in the US alone the metaverse market could reach a total consumer expenditure of 8.3 trillion USD.

Another reason why one must jump with a business concept in the metaverse is the presence of consumers. In an analysis, it was revealed that out of the billions of people, about 74% of adults were ready to explore the metaverse. In digits, the number was about 4.4 billion people, which ultimately reflected that consumers are willing to join the metaverse. Consumers on board are likely to indulge in spending some sum while moving through the metaverse. Recently a survey ascertained that 75% of the ‘Gen Z’ shoppers have purchased a digital item in a video game. About 60% of brands advised that businesses must as well start selling their products over metaverse platforms.

As the internet evolved and people around the globe became regular consumers of content present over the web, it is estimated by 2026, 25% of people would become daily active users of the metaverse, with an average time spent equal to one hour. Contemporary customers assert they are presumably to enter the metaverse to experience things that they can’t in physical reality, like speaking personally with the celebrity of your choice. 85% of the customers also suggested that brands must make a metaverse breakthrough, to have a bright metaverse business future.

Metaverse is the future of internet existence. Consumers believe that companies must have a rigid digital being. The online presence must be as good as an in-store presence for businesses to be able to involve customers in using their products. The same was contemplated by 81% of consumers.

Nevertheless, several businesses are still on the same level. As of now, about half a hundred percent of businesses have already begun their journey in the metaverse. Over a question

Maths and Marketing

In a study, it was found how consumers and brands anticipate evolving technology playing a part in their interactions in the time about to come. The table below illustrates the same:


From the study, it became obvious that brands are more inclined towards a presence in the diverse array of technologies, to intensify their business exposure.

Methods of Usage: How You Can Use the Metaverse for Business

How can businesses implement the use of metaverse for a streamlined digital presence, is the next factor that a growing business must understand. Considering the metaverse as a digital realm, one can use this platform to promote and earn from trading or selling their products and services. The digital products must be made available to the target audience by the businesses so that they can implement their usage in the virtual spaces. Whether it be digital skin, items, etc, for gaming in the metaverse, virtual shoes, or digital clothing entities, et al, can be a set of examples that can be offered by businesses to their customers. These entities can be both trial or lifetime products.

By utilizing items in the digital domain, customers are more likely to use the same product in the physical world, thereby enhancing the brand’s reach.

Constructing interactive brand experiences could be an additional usage of the metaverse. This would help consumers to engage with the brand in new ways. Brands would then be more reachable to customers throughout the world, even in places where they don’t have a physical presence. This would also generate more consumers for the business. Let’s say you’ve got a tourism business. What you can do could be to create a virtual tour of a travel destination wherein customers can move around, explore a culture, etc, before they book their travel.


Evolution with technology is quite necessary for business advancements and the expansion of profits. Likewise, adopting a metaverse strategy and re-adjusting business within the dimensions of the metaverse would eventually be fruitful in the coming years to come.

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